
Homicidios y desapariciones de mujeres en Ciudad Juárez: Análisis, críticas y perspectivas

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ITEM: 124580
HOMICIDIOS Y DESAPARICIONES DE MUJERES EN CIUDAD JUÁREZ : ANÁLISIS, CRÍTICAS Y PERSPECTIVAS. / México, D.F. : Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales, 2004. 578 pages : includes color tables, color maps, color graphics, notes, charts ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9685074828.
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Mexican society and the international community demand clarification of the murders and disappearances of women that occurred in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, which increased from 1993 to 2001. However, the problem has become a source of speculation and political disputes rather than a reason for analysis and reflection. This title aims to facilitate a historical, social and economic review of the region, of the characteristics of the homicides and of graphs through which conclusions can be drawn. Here, the particular characteristics of the murders are analyzed and comparative graphs are presented that provide solid elements to understand the phenomenon.

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