Yayijemal Ts’ibetik: Cuentos con cicatrices

By: Mikel Ruiz

$ 26.00

ITEM: 200505
YAYIJEMAL TS'IBETIK : CUENTOS CON CICATRICES. / Mikel Ruiz (coordinator). San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México : Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas , Dirección General de Culturas Populares, Indígenas y Urbanas ,  Consejo Estatal para las Culturas y las Artes de Chiapas , PACMYyC ; Abriendo Caminos Editores, 2023. 152 pages : includes semblances ; 21 cm.
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Collection of stories by 5 authors who have in common being born and raised in Chiapas, sharing similar contexts that have led them to have similar experiences and be able to converge on this project. Each author contributes a different style, however they maintain a common thread which is violence: exercised between men or men against women, even reaching feminicide. In these stories, violence functions as an axis of reality in the Tsotsil world, where the dreams of young people, as well as their search for a place of belonging, are mimicked. This title is a bilingual Tsotsil-Spanish edition.

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