Lecturas retóricas de la sociedad
By: Helena Beristáin, compiladora.
Original price was: $ 17.20.$ 10.00Current price is: $ 10.00.
ITEM: 120420
LECTURAS RETÓRICAS DE LA SOCIEDAD. / Helena Beristáin (compilator). México, D.F. : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, 2002. 349 pages : includes tables, notes, bibliography at the end of each chapter ; 20 cm. (Colección Bitácora de Retórica). ISBN : 9703200613.
Product information
In contemporary Mexico, although studies on the rhetoric of language and its discipline have only been carried out in an isolated and dispersed manner, an increasing number of university students are turning their attention to it, considering rhetoric as a means of relationship and understanding. This title is part of the collective effort to understand the history, nature, methods and object of the rhetorical discipline, from the perspective of various authors. Through these essays, various situations of the use of rhetoric and its impact on different aspects of Mexican society are addressed: financial, cultural, educational and political.
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