Monacato: Femenino franciscano en Hispanoamérica y España

By: Mina Ramírez Montes, coordinadora

$ 21.65

ITEM: 167701
MONACATO : FEMENINO FRANCISCANO EN HISPANOAMÉRICA Y ESPAÑA. / Mina Ramírez Montes (coordinator). Querétaro, México : Poder Ejecutivo del Estado de Querétaro ; Dirección Estatal de Archivos del Estado de Querétaro ; Fondo Editorial de Querétaro, 2012. 510 pages : includes photos, tables, references, bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9786077906162.
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As a tribute to the nuns who lived in the convent of Santa Clara de Jesús de Querétaro, on the 400th anniversary of its foundation, the Franciscan Women's Monastic Colloquium was held in Latin America and Spain. This title brings together texts that seek to clarify the history of convents in the old continent from medieval times to the conquest of America. Likewise, there is widespread talk about the nuns in Latin America and Spain, their community life, education, mystical wedding; Likewise, an attempt is made to delve deeper into the feminine world through her records, account books, her own writings and the texts of the ecclesiastics who wrote about her.

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