Semblanzas de escritores mayas-zoques de Chiapas

By: Pedro Antonio Martínez Gómez.

$ 16.00

ITEM: 120636
Martínez Gómez, Pedro Antonio. SEMBLANZAS DE ESCRITORES MAYAS-ZOQUES DE CHIAPAS. / Pedro Antonio Martínez Gómez. Chiapas: Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas, 2002. 125 pages : 19 cm. Bibliography: pages 115-125.  Includes bibliographic references. (Ijtkutya'b: Formas de vida, 2). ISBN 9706970843.
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Second volume of previous work, compiles 28 short biographies of Mayan-Zoque writers. Traces first books by indigenous people to decade of the 80s, provides information on writers, and records up to 2000.

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