$ 16.50
ITEM: 196791
TLAYUDAS : OAXACA AN HISTORICAL RESEARCH 1. / Claudio Sanchez-Islas. English version. Oaxaca, México : Carteles Editores, 2022.50 pages : includes color photos, charts, notes, bibliography ; 22 cm. ISBN : 9786078799213.
Product information
As part of the Oaxaca Historias Gastronómicas series, the author of this brief issue takes a tour of the typical food of Oaxaca, and conducts field research on how each of the elements that a tlayuda generally includes is prepared. He is accompanied by color photographs of the preparation method, the dishes, the parks and public squares where these foods are sold and consumed, making very generous descriptions of the entire process. This edition in English allows english speakers to have more familiarity with what the Oaxacan gastronomic experience would be like.
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