Una cesta de fruta verde

By: Rosana Romo Pérez

$ 22.40

ITEM: 198864
UNA CESTA DE FRUTA VERDE. / Rosana Romo Pérez. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México : Espina Dorsal, 2022. 111 pages ; 21 cm. (Colección Nómada). ISBN : 9786079974000.
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Rosana Romo Pérez studied creative writing at the Sogem Guadalajara Writers School and at Trithëmius, as well as taking literature workshops and her work has been published individually and in various anthologies. This series of poems is divided into eight parts: I am, Born, Epiphany, Make us one, Thread of hours, Poetry is the key, Stem cells and Utopia. Throughout the pages the reader may find themselves moved by the author's honesty when talking about her nostalgia, her longings and the memory of what her death has taken.

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