Castas, feligresía y ciudadanía en Yucatán: Los afromestizos bajo el régimen constitucional español, 1750-1822


$ 27.50

ITEM: 131547
CASTAS, FELIGRESÍA Y CIUDADANÍA EN YUCATÁN : LOS AFROMESTIZOS BAJO EL RÉGIMEN CONSTITUCIONAL ESPAÑOL, 1750-1822. / Melchor Campos García. Mérida, Yucatán: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología ; Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, 2005. 177 pages : tables, bibliographic references, bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9706981063.
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This book offers an analysis of the emergence of the norms that the Cortes gathered in Cádiz issued to characterize the citizen in the socio-racial structure of peninsular Yucatecan society at the beginning of the 19th century. The complex relationship in which Africans and Afromestizo people had with the white, mestizo and indigenous “castes” is explained, to understand the way in which the community of citizens with a common origin disrupted the status of the “black castes” in Yucatan. It is also established that the rejection of non-black citizenship by the Afromestizo insurgents caused readjustments in the Yucatecan parishes assigned to the parishes according to their caste classifications.

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