Aunque es de noche

By: Montserrat Rodríguez Ruelas

$ 25.40

ITEM: 199452
AUNQUE ES DE NOCHE. / Montserrat Rodríguez Ruelas. Tepic, Nayarit, México : Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit , Editorial UAN ; Ciudad de México, México : Ediciones del Lirio, 2023. 95 pages ; 23 cm. (Colección de Narrativa Punto y Coma ; Premio Nacional de Novela Breve “Amado Nervo” 2021). ISBN : 9786078863174 (UAN) ; 9786078837977 (Ediciones del Lirio).
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Montserrat Rodríguez Ruelas is a writer from Tijuana and has been awarded various scholarships such as the National Fund for Culture and the Arts and the Inés Arredondo scholarship; as well as having received an honorable mention in the 2019 Frontera de Palabras Binational Young Novel Award. In this novel, the author establishes a road novel-type story or postmodern book of chivalry, where its protagonist undertakes a journey through the channeling of a river to reach the sea, as a tribute to the memory of his mother. Soon, Ulysses will discover that what is important is not the destination, but the journey itself and what is found along the way.

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