De Buñuel a Santo: Guanajuato un lugar de cine


$ 17.65

ITEM: 141308
DE BUÑUEL A SANTO : GUANAJUATO UN LUGAR DE CINE. / Beatriz Chemor Ávila, Francisco Javier Millán. Guanajuato, México : Gobierno del Estado de Guanajuato , Instituto Estatal de la Cultura ; Fundación Expresión en Corto ; Ediciones La Rana, 2007. 144 pages : includes photos, references, bibliography. 25 cm. ISBN : 970724075X.
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Within the framework of the tenth Guanajuato Film Festival, this book emerges as a tribute to the emblematic state and its inhabitants. The authors, communication scientists and researchers of the seventh art, focus on the film The Mummies of Guanajuato to talk about the history of cinema in Guanajuato, because they illustrate how the city can also take center stage in an audiovisual work, as if it were of one more character. The text is accompanied by photographs that are stills and posters that belong to and distribute the production companies for dissemination and in specialized media and publications, so it is period documentary material.

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