Las ironías de la ficción y la metaficción en cine y literatura

$ 22.90

ITEM: 138468
LAS IRONÍAS DE LA FICCIÓN Y LA METAFICCIÓN EN CINE Y LITERATURA. / Lauro Zavala. México, D.F. : Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, 2007. 395 pages : 22 cm. (Colección Al Margen). ISBN : 9689259008.
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Starting from the assumption that irony and metafiction are the most characteristic creation strategies of contemporary culture, the author presents a series of essays of a conjectural and playful nature that are oriented to the study of various manifestations of humor, irony, fiction and metafiction in literary narrative and cinematographic narrative. The approaches proposed in these essays are alternatively theoretical, analytical, historiographic or didactic, from general materials to journeys through specific terrain. Conceptual maps are also included that can be useful to continue exploring the topics in a concise manner.

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