Del silencio al estruendo

By: Sara Sefchovich

$ 14.30

ITEM: 202054
DEL SILENCIO AL ESTRUENDO : CAMBIOS EN LA ESCRITURA DE LAS MUJERES A TRAVÉS DEL TIEMPO. / Sara Sefchovich. Ciudad de México, México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, 2020. 122 pages : includes references, bibliography ; 21 cm. (Serie El Estudio). ISBN : 9786073032216.
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In recent years, literature written by women has gained a boom never seen before, reaching magazines, supplements, imprints and both physical and virtual publications, becoming into what the author considers “overrated” publications. This judgment is based on her interest in getting to know women writers and discerning whether women's literature is different from that of men, and if so, what this difference consists of. The objective of this essay-research is to know what the universe of writers and their writings is composed of, rescuing a broad panorama of what they have done throughout history, in different cultures and how it has changed over the years.

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