Don Crispín: Una crónica fronteriza
By: Víctor Alejandro Espinoza Valle
$ 30.10
ITEM: 202090
DON CRISPÍN : UNA CRÓNICA FRONTERIZA : MEMORIA Y DIÁLOGOS DE DON CRISPÍN VALLE CASTAÑEDA. / Víctor Alejandro Espinoza Valle. (Third edition). Tijuana, Baja California, México : El Colegio de la Frontera Norte ; San Luis Potosí, México : El Colegio de San Luis, 2023. 175 pages : includes photos, references, bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9786074795424 (El Colegio de la Frontera Norte) ; 9786078906499 (El Colegio de San Luis).
Product information
In this text, Espinoza Valle narrates the life of his grandfather, his shared memories that, indirectly, become a chronicle of beliefs, traditions, myths, ways and manners typical of the Mexico-United States border region. Part of the richness of Don Crispín's testimony lies in what he represents for the study of border culture, offering a sample of values, norms, traditions and myths that speak of the character of the border inhabitant in a way contrary to stereotypical visions. These pages reinforce what previous research already predicted: the Mexicanness of border residents is reinforced with the interaction of the foreigner and not the other way around.
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