Leyendas chiapanecas

By: César Pineda del Valle, Ana María Rincón Montoya.

$ 15.55

ITEM: 120446
LEYENDAS CHIAPANECAS. / César Pineda del Valle, Ana María Rincón Montoya (editors). Tuxtla Gutiérrez, México : Ediciones y Sistemas Especiales, 2003. 166 pages : includes illustrations, bibliography ; 20 cm.
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Compendium of 45 Chiapas' legends compiled by the editors through chroniclers, editors and teachers. Throughout these pages we can learn about the history of Chiapas, its development, the idiosyncrasy of its inhabitants and the mysticism that some of its streets harbor. Opening with a prologue that tries to discern between myth and legend, it tells us about the origin of the legend in Chiapas and presents popular narratives such as “La mano peluda”, “La cartera de San Pascualito” and its version of “La llorona”.

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