…y Zapata siguió cabalgando


$ 25.65

ITEM: 169503
...Y ZAPATA SIGUE CABALGANDO. / Víctor Hugo Sánchez Reséndiz. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México : La Cartonera, 2012. 17 pages ; 23 cm.
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Brief narration by the author where he exposes the current reality of Cuernavaca, while contrasting it with the times of the Mexican Revolution, when his grandfather was a Zapatista and fought alongside the leader of the South. It is through these pages that a unique and first-hand perspective of Emiliano Zapata is portrayed, while telling the history of the city of Cuernavaca and those who fought for it, under the ideals of its leader. Being part of La Cartonera, this copy is number 30 of a print run of 35, with a handmade binding and a unique hand-painted cover.

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