Violencia contra mujeres
By: Roberto Castro
$ 35.50
ITEM: 200356
VIOLENCIA CONTRA MUJERES : SOBRE EL DIFÍCIL DIÁLOGO ENTRE CIFRAS Y ACCIONES DE GOBIERNO. / Roberto Castro, Florinda Riquer (coordinators). Second edition. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias, 2023. 564 pages : includes maps, tables, charts, references, bibliography ; 23 cm. (Serie Violencia(s), Derechos y Salud). ISBN : 9786073063661.
Product information
Within the framework of the Call for Scientific Development Projects to Address National Problems corresponding to 2015, supported by CONACYT, this title is presented as a result of the research project “Violence against women and citizen security in Mexico. An approach from the municipal level to the formulation and implementation of policies.” Throughout the 11 chapters divided into 3 axes (Context, Public policies and access to justice, Difficulties on the ground) we talk about the complex situation of violence that women experience in Mexico and their confrontation with the figures, as well as the government actions that have been taken in this regard.
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