Niñez jornalera Dilema de la educación

By: Virginia Guadalupe Reyes de la Cruz.

$ 10.10

ITEM: 121000
Reyes de la Cruz, Virginia Guadalupe. LA NIÑEZ JORNALERA : Y EL DILEMA DE LA EDUCACIÓN. / Virginia Guadalupe Reyes de la Cruz. Oaxaca, México: Secretaría de Desarrollo Social; Jornaleros Agrícolas Oaxaca, 2003. 45 pages: 13 cm. Bibliography: page 45. (Migrantes somos y en el camino andamos…, 3).
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Reflections on child laborers from Oaxaca, presenting their experiences, testimony, data and stories. Analyzes structural and family conditions that force children to work. Provides global context of child labor and focuses on case of Oaxaca. Photographs provide insight into social reality of these children and their development in academic and personal contexts

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