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Vocabulario popular sinaloense: ¡Aya bonchi!

$ 13.50

ITEM: 169439
VOCABULARIO POPULAR SINALOENSE : ¡AYA BONCHI!. / Juan Estrella Reyes, Diego Estrella Reyes. Culiacán, Sinaloa, México : Instituto Sinaloense de Cultura , Más Cultura, 2012. 191 pages ; 21 cm. (Serie La Biblioteca de Babel : Vocabulario). ISBN : 9786077756446.
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Product information

This dictionary-vocabulary has the purpose of preserving the vernacular language as a link of Sinaloa identity, since its authors have the firm belief that Sinaloa has sui generis profiles that make it different from other entities in the country. This work is born from a game that the authors had when they were children and which consisted of listening to adult talks, memorizing the terms, tones, archaisms, turns and gestures and then repeating them in fictitious conversations. The project was enriched over the years, nourished with the knowledge of others, resulting not only in a dictionary that refers to Sinaloa idioms, but also in a cultural heritage.

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