Pachachaka Puente sobre el mundo

By: Carlos Huamán.

$ 23.50

ITEM: 125032
Huamán, Carlos. PACHACHAKA : PUENTE SOBRE EL MUNDO NARRATIVA, MEMORIA Y SÍMBOLO EN LA OBRA DE JOSÉ MARÍA ARGUEDAS/ Carlos Huamán. México, D.F.: El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios; UNAM, Centro Coordinador y Difusor de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2004. 354 pages: 22 cm. Bibliography (pages 341-354). Include bibliographic references, glossary. (Lenguajes y Tradiciones, 3) ISBN: 9681211324
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Study of narrative works by renowned Peruvian author José María Arguedas, whose literature navigates between Quechua and Hispanoamerican cultures, between upper class and popular culture, between oral and written form. Shows the strength of popular, shared memory engraved in Arguedian writing, which permeates towards dance, music and other cultural forms of Peruvian tradition and idiosyncrasy

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