Una vez entre las otras: México y la literatura catalana del exilio
By: Selección, traducción, estudio preliminar y notas de Marta Noguer Ferrer, Carlos Guzmán Moncada.
Original price was: $ 34.15.$ 26.45Current price is: $ 26.45.
ITEM: 126067
UNA VOZ ENTRE LAS OTRAS : MÉXICO Y LA LITERATURA CATALANA DEL EXILIO. / Marta Noguer Ferrer, Carlos Guzmán Moncada (compilators). México, D.F. : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2004. 504 pages : includes references, bibliography ; 23 cm. (Colección Tierra Firme). ISBN : 9681674073.
Product information
Catalan literature in exile is proof that during the period of silence imposed by Franco, Catalan-language writers sought to give meaning to their exile. This search is evident in some of the best texts that many of them published during their lifetime and that have Mexico as their biographical setting, place of writing or publication, central theme or immediate inspiration. Here we find the voices of Josep Carner, Vinceç Riera Llorca, Agustí Bartram Lluís Ferran de Pol, Ramón Xirau and Manuel Durán, among others, who constitute an abundant sample of the numerous meanings that Mexico gave to the exile of each of them.
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