
Libros de oportunidad
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Libros de oportunidad
al mejor precio

New Edition

Libros de oportunidad
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Variedad y diversidad

Approaches to the work, activities and conditions of women in Mexico: 19th and 20th centuries.

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Catalog list

Our amazing monthly catalogues of new and newly-acquired Mexican books are the standard by which all other book vendor catalogues are judged. The bibliographic information we provide is accurate and informative.

Each catalogue is arranged and indexed by subject categories for quick access to topics of interest. Plus, we bring together disparate books under timely subject headings such as, “Drugs, Drug Trafficking, Narco-Politics, Narco-Society,” “Immigration Issues and Human Migrations,” and “Judaica.” Cumulatively, our acclaimed catalogues describe the contents of several thousand new Mexican publications each year. They are the bibliographic standard bearer for newly published Mexican books. Librarians, scholars and even other book sellers use our catalogues as guides to what’s new from all over Mexico.

Mexican literature blog

In this blog we share knowledge, experiences and opinions of some of the Mexican publications that we have been distributing around the world for more than 40 years.

Kermés “Editing the Everyday”

On the rooftop of the UNAM Museum, the fourth edition of the kermesse “Editing the Everyday” took place today, Saturday, April 13th. Although it may sound unusual, it is precisely that: a kermesse. At the entrance of the museum, a stand was set up where people could get prints stamped on their skin like tattoos, […]

Fiesta del Libro y la Rosa 2024

From Friday, April 21st to Sunday, April 23rd, and across 3 venues, the Book and Rose Festival 2024 was presented in Mexico City. More than 220 publishers were convened, and over 7 discussion forums, book presentations, and talks were set up, in addition to offering workshops, concerts, and theater performances, all completely free and open […]

“Monstrua” – Brenda Lozano y Gabriela Jauregui (coordinadoras)

When discussing literature throughout history, names arise within any of the existing currents. We can easily recognize all the Greeks in the creation of classical drama, Edgar Allan Poe establishing guidelines for the structure of contemporary short stories in Romanticism, Oscar Wilde inaugurating his own aestheticism movement… And the examples could go on. It would […]